Could You Own a Fortune? Rare Dimes and Bicentennial Coins Worth $35 Million

Could You Own a Fortune_ Rare Dimes and Bicentennial Coins Worth $35 Million

Imagine discovering an old, little coin in a dusty jar or an abandoned cigar box-only to discover that it is worth millions. That is precisely what happened with a few lucky people who unknowingly held some of the rarest dimes and Bicentennial quarters in existence. The world of rare coin collecting is full of surprises, … Read more

Is There Really a $140 Billion Lincoln Wheat Penny Still in Use?

Is There Really a $140 Billion Lincoln Wheat Penny Still in Use

In rare coin collecting, a few discoveries are so incredible that they make international history; among these is the Lincoln Wheat Penny, whose value is stated to be an unthinkable $140 million. From the outside, it just looks like an ordinary one-cent coin; however, this penny has become one of the most valuable coins in … Read more