7 Rare Dimes and a Bicentennial Quarters worth of each is $357 Million – Still in Circulation

7 Rare Dimes and a Bicentennial Quarters worth

7 Rare Dimes and a Bicentennial Quarters worth of each is $357 Million – Imagine that you are taking out change from your pocket and suddenly you get a coin whose value is in lakhs or crores. This is not a fantasy, but a reality. Even today there are many such rare dimes and special … Read more

This Rare Bicentennial Quarter is Worth $8 Million – And Two Others Exceed $45 Million

Coin Collecting: A Connection to History, Culture and Art Collecting coins is not just a hobby, it is a great way to understand history, culture and art. Some coins are so rare and important that they reach millions of rupees. In this article we will learn about the three special quarters- the bicentennial quarter, which … Read more

Discover the Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth Nearly $201K and 6 Other Coins Valued Over $25K

Coin gathering is an thrilling hobby that mixes records, art, and the thrill of locating unexpected treasures. While maximum quarters are really worth simply as tons as they are really worth, a few uncommon coins can sell for thousands and thousands at public sale. Some coins have unique mistakes, limited editions printed in a limited … Read more