Hidden Treasure: 5 Rare State Quarters Worth Over $5,000 Still in Circulation!

Hidden Treasure_ 5 Rare State Quarters Worth Over $5,000 Still in Circulation!

The United States Mint introduced the 50 State Quarters Program between 1999 and 2008. This coin series attracted the most public attention in all of American history. Every coin had its own fresh design symbolizing the state’s individuality, thereby initiating enthusiasm among collectors and the general public. Most of these quarters are still circulating and … Read more

How to Identify the Rare $124 Million Lincoln Wheat Penny in Circulation

Do you have a Lincoln Wheat Penny worth $124 million? Have you ever entertained the perception that a Lincoln Wheat Penny worth $124 million will be hiding in a chain of your very antique coins? The coin is so rare and so treasured that the one who finds it becomes an immediate millionaire. It is … Read more

Bicentennial Quarter Shocks Collectors with $250 Million Value – Still in Circulation?

America’s 250th anniversary and the rising value of the Bicentennial Quarter As the 250th anniversary of America’s independence approaches, the importance and value of old coins is increasing. The name of one such historical coin is the Bicentennial Quarter. Many Americans may find this coin as loose money in their everyday life. But is it … Read more